Scene Change

The past few months have been an exhausting whirlwind. We are "zoom"'d out (yes, that's now a verb), fatigued from hearing "uncharted" and "unprecedented" (we get it!),and are craving semblances of tangible, non-screen normalcy and routine, even if it looks slightly different and six feet apart from our pre-pandemic existence. 

Everyone's stories reflect their own challenges, circumstance, and hardship experienced as we globally navigated a pandemic. I have a treasure trove of stories and experiences from the past 10 weeks that I'm sure I'll share in time. 

For now, I keep my focus forward. 

Over Memorial Day Weekend, I stepped away with my family for a change in scene. During my time away, there were still unexpected pivots to navigate and plans to put in place for the businesses. And, yet, the refreshing new environment reminded me of the magnitude of the world.The ocean still exists, the gators are still there, the sun still beautifully sets, and the flowers bloom in grandeur.  How lucky are we to live in a world where that's still the case? We are emerging from something that was universally difficult and complex and will impact us for decades to come, but there is so much beauty to embrace when we take the time to stop and see it. 

As I strolled through a quiet shopping center one afternoon, I stumbled upon this living wall that held the proclamation: "The World Is Your Oyster". 

I love a good sign, and this was the sign I needed on Sunday, May 24th. We are heading into a rebirth, a renaissance where our current chrysalis gives way to the emergence of beautiful butterflies. Butterflies represent endurance, change, hope and life- what will you do in your world? How are you inspired to ignite change? Will you elevate what you are currently doing, or will you discard it completely to take on something new? 

NOW is your time to do it, Create the scene change you've always envisioned because the world IS your oyster. 


Narrow Your Center of Focus